It all began in a single magnet school where the widening "achievement gap" between Black and White students could no longer be ignored.
When parents realized the depth of these inequities, they rose up—not just for their children, but for all children who shared their struggle. United in purpose, they partnered with school administrators and educators to reimagine solutions. As they learned about the systemic “opportunity gap” fueling these disparities, they launched programs that embraced and celebrated cultural heritage, brought in inspiring speakers who laid bare the history of educational injustice, and redirected resources to empower Black students to thrive.
What started as a small group of determined parents grew into a powerful movement—Parents of African American Children (PAAC). Supported by the PTA and backed by the school, they insisted that administrators listen and take action, exploring solutions to racial inequities with courage and conviction. The results were undeniable: within one year, the school achieved the greatest academic growth for Black students in the entire district. This was more than progress—it was proof that when parents lead, change follows.
This was more than progress—it was proof that when parents lead, change follows.
As word spread about the groundbreaking transformation at the first school where PAAC was founded, parents across the Durham community were ignited with a shared desire for change. They were eager to bring the same level of equity and excellence to their own schools. With unwavering commitment, founding parent Jovonia Lewis stepped forward, equipping other parents with the tools, knowledge, and organizing strategies needed to drive awareness and champion equitable opportunities for all children.
A powerful movement began to take shape, as parents across the district united. They organized regular meetings, held educational workshops for the community, and boldly presented their demands to school board members. As their collective voice grew stronger, they secured grants and local funding to uplift equity in their schools. In 2019, with critical support from the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Empowered Parents in Community (EPiC) was born. This was a bold new chapter in the PAAC movement—EPiC carried the torch, expanding organizing efforts and empowering historically marginalized parents with opportunities to build capacity and lead change.
The parents behind EPiC knew that true sustainability required a wider vision. To drive deep, systemic change, we committed to expanding our impact across all schools, addressing the root causes of inequity. We recognized that creating real transformation demanded confronting the racial injustices embedded in our education system’s history. It meant engaging in difficult, necessary conversations to cultivate a climate where every child can thrive and succeed, breaking down the barriers that have long held students back. Together, we are building a future where student belonging and success is not just a possibility but a reality for every child in our schools.
EPiC stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment, a non-profit organization dedicated to uplifting parents and advocating for transformative change within the Durham community and beyond. Our mission is to amplify the powerful collaborative work, offering a blueprint for success that equips parents and school administrators with the tools, training, and support needed to bridge the opportunity gap for historically marginalized students.
We believe in the power of collaboration and the strength found in unity. By sharing the EPiC model and providing vital advocacy tools, we are not just facilitating change—we are igniting a movement. Our training and consultation services are designed to dismantle barriers and create a school environment where every student, regardless of their background, can thrive.
Together, we are forging connections, reshaping school climates, and driving systemic change towards a culturally inclusive and equitable education system. Our vision extends beyond Durham County, as we eagerly look forward to expanding our impact into neighboring communities, fostering a ripple effect of empowerment and equity throughout the region. With each step forward, we are committed to building a future where every child’s potential is recognized, nurtured, and celebrated.