services for organizations and teams
Training, Consultation, Expansion
Our training and consultation services are designed to dismantle barriers and create a school environment where every student, regardless of their background, can thrive.
Train the Trainer
Train-the-trainer programs empower Black parents, caregivers, and invested school-community partners to lead and organize collective advocacy initiatives aimed at closing the opportunity gap. Implement the EPiC model of authentic engagement and collective action in your county to disrupt inequities and drive systemic change.
Our expansion model includes coordinating with a local organization to provide a train-the-trainer consultation and training packet. The course is 10 months long and includes:
- 6 trainings on the EPiC model of authentic engagement to collective power and advocacy
- monthly 1:1 meetings and strategy planningÂ
- internal infrastructure with EPiC toolkit for parent coordinator to begin engaging the community
Contact us to learn how you can implement the EPiC Model and programs in your county, begin to create statewide coalitions, and tie in other parenting coalitions across the State.