January is the one month of the year where a collective seriousness around goals, values, and life in general permeates through our society.  Some people take on the motto, “New year, new me.” Others proclaim, “Out with the old, in with the new!”

We participate in this song and dance for a number of reasons. We may be coming out of a year we are very proud of, and want to continue to engage in practices that improve our wellbeing and life.  We may feel the need to change less desirable behaviors or habits. Or, there are things we would like to do that we have yet to get done. And this year seems like an opportune year to do it.

As we intentionally announce to those closest to us, “This year, I am going to…” broadcasting our goals centered on bigger bank accounts and slimmer waist lines, we want to offer one thing to keep in mind. When defining success for 2025, will it include the success of the collective community you are a part of, or just you as an individual?

We often feel a strong responsibility to make improvements in ourselves this time of year, and overlook the growth we desire to see in the world unfolding around us, feeling powerless to impress change within the streets and schools we visit daily.

Whatever the reason for the goal setting, promises and proclamations, the heart of it is pure.

This yearly audit of our lives to align our daily behavior and actions with our values is rooted in a deep sense of responsibility.  This is the time of year when life slows down long enough for us to get a good look at ourselves in the mirror.  We remember that no one is coming to save us, or our community. If we want to achieve something, be something, or make something happen, it begins with us.

We have a responsibility to ourselves to do what it takes to achieve the best version of ourselves. And we have a responsibility to our community to do what it takes to ensure it is the best version of itself.  Whether we are close to that version, or far off, this yearly review gives us time to pause and reflect on where we are, where we are headed, and what we want that destination to look and feel like.

As we dedicate time towards re-evaluating what drives us, reviewing the values defining our “true north,” it is imperative that we think beyond how our values impact us as individuals, and think about how we walk these values out collectively. How are our values contributing to our work within our community?

This January at EPiC, we are wondering what it might look like, if collectively, the aligned actions of a community of individuals create a better community for Black families, with more liberatory and inclusive learning experiences for our children.

When you're busy this month defining success for 2025, we hope that it includes the success of the Black families and children in your community. If you would like to know more about how to get involved with actions that align with this goal, navigate our website for details on upcoming events and ongoing community groups.

We begin the year with thoughts of the end, trying to determine what needs to happen in order to know the year was a success.

This year, our success will be defined on our progress towards the following goals:

  1. To listen to Black families in our community.
  2. To advocate for high-quality education and equal opportunity for Black children in our community.
  3. To educate the whole community regarding inequalities and discrimination that target Black members of the Durham community.

We are aligning our actions with advocacy for our community, and it is our hope that you will join us in the fight.