Our Impact
EPiC is Making an Impact
EPiC equips parents with the tools, knowledge, and organizing strategies needed to drive awareness and champion equitable opportunities for all children. Here are just a few ways in which we have disrupted systems of inequality and impacted more than 3,000 of our community members.
8 Community Forums
directly impacted 157 people
5 Circles of Hope
offering support for 30 weeks
29 Total Programs
directly impacted 444 people
Empowering Communities
An EPiC Impact Report
This impact report covers the our work over the last four years. Download a full version of the EPiC impact report here.
The 5 Long-Term Goals That Guide Our Work
- NC families are actively engaged in and supported by equitable, culturally competent prek-12 learning environments that meet their diverse educational and social emotional needs.
- Black families, early childhood educators, and K12 educators are actively centering their own mental health needs and are working collaboratively to advocate and disrupt systemic inequities to improve educational outcomes for Black children to thrive.
- Expertise and experiences of Black Parent Leaders and those most impacted by systemic racial inequities are leading the charge of sustaining high quality educational opportunities and equitable distribution of resources.
- Black youth voices are centered to engage intergenerationally with Black parent leaders to collaborate to improve conditions impacting quality of life and create a better future.
- Communities reimagine systems that support racial equity and the families continue to connect, organize, and share resources with each other to sustain a system of care and liberatory joy.